How do I request a refund? What is your refund policy?

Depending on how and where you donate or pay, we may be able to issue you a refund once it is reviewed by our team. You can also look at our refund policy below on what's allowed and which methods are supported and how you can submit a refund request.

Refund Policy

To minimize refund fraud, we only refund back to the original payment method used if processed via Stripe on HCB, Open Collective, Substack, Ghost, and Lemon Squeezy. Refunds may take up to 15 banking days to be credited back to you and show up in your bank statement.

If it is processed via PayPal, we only refund either to the original payment method used or to the PayPal account holder's balance if they used their account at the time of the transaction.

We only review refund requests if the transaction occurred within the last 30 days unless the funds in question are fully used which we cannot process without paying you back out of pocket or when allocated in the reserves or to other projects.

Donations and/or payments via bank transfer outside Stripe (including those handled personally by Andrei Jiroh) and cryptocurrency are currently unsupported at this time due to the high risk of refund fraud and transfer fees, especially for those outside the US.

Requesting a refund

Shoot us an email at with the subject line containing the phrase refund request and the following details in the message body:

  • Date of donation/payment (must be within the last 30 days)
  • Amount donated/paid
  • Full name
  • The payment method used and the platform
    • Optionally include the transaction ID if provided in the receipt
  • Country of origin
  • Reason for the refund

We'll process it within 72 hours once you submit it for review as quickly as possible, but processing times may vary depending on the payment method.

What's covered by our refund policy

Online donations

If you donated via HCB (which uses Stripe under the hood), reply to your email receipt on the donation you like to request a refund. We'll be likely not to process it until it posts through, but we'll add a note internally for safety and may coordinate with the HCB team for that to get canceled.

In case it is via Open Collective, they are processed through our Stripe account and we can refund it within the Open Collective Dashboard or in the Stripe dashboard.

Substack and Ghost

For Substack paid subscribers on our publication, consult the Substack Help Center article on their refund policy. Refund requests for over 7 days will be processed under our refund policy above, but we recommend contacting Substack Support first.

For those subscribed through Ghost, the refund policy above applies. For paid subscribers, we only process the last charge if it is paid in the last 30 days for monthly and 60 days for yearly.

Other platforms (GitHub Sponsors, Discord Server Shop, etc.)

Since we are not either your merchant of record or directly processing payments via Stripe, we do not handle refunds for GitHub Sponsors, Discord Server Shop, and others. We'll direct you to the platform's refund policies.

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